The Beginners Guide to Meditation

Just 3 Steps:

We all have this idea that meditation practice is going to ‘still our mind’. Yet our mind’s job is to think and analyze! Expecting to stop thinking sets us up to fail. Instead, let’s think about meditation as settling into observation of the mind, gradually letting the mind quiet and releasing our attachment to our thoughts. Thoughts will still arise, we just choose not to identify with them.

In Jivamukti Yoga we give 3 steps for meditation:

  1. Find a comfortable seat. If your body is uncomfortable, you will definitely get distracted.

  2. Be still. Once you’ve found your seat, commit to it. The more you move around and fidget, the more you’ll think about how you feel. If any itches, discomfort, numb feet etc arise, just observe them without reaction — they’ll probably pass. If you absolutely need to move, of course do but try to cultivate a quiet body to find a quiet mind.

  3. Focus. We recommend using the mantra ‘Let Go’ in Jivamukti Yoga as this helps to remind us to let go of our thoughts. You can also focus on your breath, a visualization or another mantra.


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